MUMBAI: Acclaimed filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor's recent directorial 'Azaad' has landed in the theatres, and is receiving positive responses from the audiences. The filmmaker kicked off 2025 on a stellar note by launching fresh faces, Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani to the movies. Rasha Thadani shot to stardom with the song Uyi Amma even before the film release and now both their performances in the film is being talked about. The audience didn’t feel like it’s their first movie, in fact, their performances felt as if they had been working in the industry for quite sometime. Post the release of 'Azaad', director Abhishek Kapoor took to his social media handle to pen a humble note towards the film, the debutants, cast and crew, and his wife Pragya Kapoor.
A part of Abhishek Kapoor's note read, "Sapne hit ya flop nahi hote, sakaar hote hain. The story of #Azaad is one I truly believed in and it is a dream accomplished to have brought it to life. I would like to wish my young talents Rasha and Aaman the very best on their journey ahead. They have delivered beyond expectations and the world is their oyster. I want to thank every single cast & crew member who worked tirelessly on every detail devoted to the grand vision."
He added, "And to my rock, my wife, Pragya. You've been my guiding light and my safe haven throughout this journey. Your patience, and encouragement have kept me going, even on the toughest days. I'm so grateful to have you as my partner in every sense." Beyond this, Abhishek Kapoor also thanked Ronnie Screwvala for backing the vision. "It is thanks to him that dreams have been fulfilled and careers have been launched. He is truly the greatest patron of the arts I know and a pillar of the Indian entertainment industry. We all owe him a huge Thank You ❤️🙏🏼"
Throughout the years, Abhishek Kapoor has crafted an illustrious filmography. He has directed critically acclaimed films such as 'Kai Po Che', 'Rock On!!', 'Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui', 'Kedarnath', and the latest release, 'Azaad'. Beyond crafting films that break the conventional barriers of storytelling, Abhishek Kapoor has also launched new faces in Bollywood, who've emerged as sought-after actors. Abhishek Kapoor's flair for experimenting with stories, and blending entertainment with thoughts to ponder upon have made him one of the most in-demand and dynamic filmmakers of Indian cinema.
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