MUMBAI: Hrithik Roshan and Ameesha Patel marked their debut 25 years ago as leads with the blockbuster hit Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. The movie is getting re-released on 10th January (tomorrow). However, it is also Hrithik Roshan’s birthday tomorrow and everyone is excited for this. Fans are excited to watch the movie. Meanwhile, today, the actor celebrated his birthday with the media and it was a memorable event.
At the event, Hrithik Roshan took time and revealed the secret behind his fitness. The answer was really interesting for all his fans.
Hrithik Roshan said, “Doing what keeps you happy. You work out, send some blood to the brain, to your heart, to your muscles, you feel good. So I do it because I feel good. Apart from that, one life, one body, that’s the only thing you actually own so if you are not going to do good to that one thing that you actually own then what’s the point.”
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