MUMBAI: Phantom Studios recently posted a vibrant video on their social media, showcasing the cast and crew singing the title track of their upcoming film, Loveyapa. The video features lead actors Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor, along with other cast members and crew, harmonizing to the catchy tune.
The video, filled with infectious energy, captures the group swaying and singing along to the upbeat track, giving fans a glimpse of the camaraderie on set. Junaid Khan, looking relaxed and cheerful, is seen sharing laughs with Khushi Kapoor, whose charm adds a spark to the clip. The light-hearted video exudes the fun and lively spirit expected from the film.
Sharing the video on social media, “L O V E yapa yapa... ye hai syapa + pyaar ka ultimate remix!”
Loveyapa, set in the realm of modern romance, offers a heartwarming tale enriched with unforgettable performances, lively music, and breathtaking visuals. Celebrating love in all its shades, the film is poised to resonate with audiences of all ages. Loveyapa is poised to be one of 2025’s most exciting cinematic offerings. Mark your calendars for this Valentine’s season as the film hits screens on 7th February, 2025 embarking on this enchanting journey of love!
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