MUMBAI: Junaid Khan made waves with his debut film, Maharaj, in which he showcased his proficient acting skills and won praise for his performance. Now, the actor is gearing up for his theatrical debut with his next film, Loveyapa, where he is paired opposite Khushi Kapoor. While the trailer and songs have already piqued excitement, Did You Know he juggled between the last day of shooting Loveyapa and for his debut film Maharaj commitments during challenging weather conditions?
According to an independent industry source, "Junaid Khan was in the middle of the last day of shooting Loveyapa in Delhi when it started raining heavily. However, the actor had to rush to mumbai for his debut film Maharaj commitments, as he had committed to being there. Despite the bad weather, Junaid caught a flight to Mumbai and stayed true to his word."
This indeed speaks volumes about Junaid's dedication to his work and, especially, his commitments. He is truly a man of his word who always honors his promises.
Moreover, The excitement is at its peak to watch Junaid in his theatrical debut, Loveyapa, set to release on February 7, 2025. Apart from this, the actor also has another film lined up with Sai Pallavi.
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