MUMBAI: Recently the Bollywood and Hollywood industry joined hands and came together for the first ever online concert where artists from their homes came to yours with a fundraiser to raise donations for a novel cause. The same was organised by none other than the 2 most famous personalities of the Bollywood Industry – the famous directors Karan Johar and Zoya Akhtar. With an intention to make this path breaking fundraiser reach the masses in all the corners of the world Star Bharat – the leading Hindi GEC has taken the opportunity to feature the worldwide premiere of the concert this Sunday at 9pm on their channel.
Whilst many stars from the industry came together – a lot was noticed by the watchers beyond their participation and performances – one such thing is - Karan Johars’ new salt and pepper look. While many have applauded and appreciated his unique style – his this avatar came as a shock to everyone.
(Aslo Read: Take a glimpse of Ekta Kapoor's house!)
Well, leaving that aside – everyone loves Karan Johar and being the amazing person that he is during the I for India Concert he said , “As necessary as the lockdown is, it has rendered millions of people vulnerable and that is why all of us have to come together to help and support those who have been severely impacted by Covid-19. I am also happy to say that the proceeds will go to GiveIndia - India’s largest giving platform with over a million donors helping millions of people. It's time for us to say I can, I will and I must help. I for India. Press the donate button on your Facebook page and do your bit for India.”
(Also Read: KJo shares 'major throwbacks' with SRK, Akshay)

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