MUMBAI: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis will attend a special screening of the highly anticipated period political drama Emergency on Thursday . Directed by and starring Kangana Ranaut, the film delves into the tumultuous Emergency period of 1975, a significant chapter in India's history.
Kangana Ranaut will also be present at the screening. The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Mahima Chaudhary and Milind Soman, who bring depth and authenticity to this gripping historical drama.
Produced by Zee Studios, Manikarnika Films, and Renu Pitti, Emergency is enriched by a powerful soundtrack composed by Sanchit Balhara and G.V. Prakash Kumar. The screenplay, coupled with impactful dialogues penned by Ritesh Shah, elevates the film's intensity, promising a captivating cinematic experience.
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