MUMBAI: Earlier, there were reports about Shahid Kapoor and Vishal Bhardwaj coming together again and this time for an action movie. Later, Sajid Nadiadwala confirmed that he is teaming up with Shahid Kapoor and Vishal Bhardwaj for an upcoming untitled movie. It is going to be action-entertainment. It was reported that the movie would start shooting for the movie from 6th Jan, 2025 and will hit the big screens on 5th December, 2025.
Now, Sajid Nadiadwala posted an update about the movie which has got a lot of attention. Check it out:
Sajid Nadiadwala is the producer while Vishal Bhardwaj is the director of the movie. We will get to see a fresh pairing of Shahid Kapoor and Triptii Dimri. The cast of the movie also includes, Nana Patekar and Randeep Hooda.
It looks like Sajid Nadiadwala is going to rule in 2025 with Sikandar, Houseful 5, Baaghi 4 and Vishal Bhardwaj’s next which was tentatively titled ‘Arjun Ustara’.
Stay tuned to for more updates from the world of entertainment.
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