The makers of &TV’s popular drama Santoshi Maa (Rashmi Sharma Production) has planned a lot of twists in the upcoming story line for all the loyal viewers.
Poor girl Santoshi (Ratan Rajpoot) will soon see some difficult phase in her life.
As per a reliable source, “Riya (Chandni Bhagwanani) will plan to kill Santoshi but would fail. Furious with Santoshi, Riya will brainwash the maid Pushpa and would tell her that Santoshi wants to kill her from the house. Pushpa would believe Riya and will call the police.”
Furthermore, police will come and arrest Santoshi.
What will happen next? Will Dhairya (Ayaz Ahmed) come for Santoshi’s rescue?
Too much drama, we must say...
We tried reaching the actors but they remained unavailable to comment.

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