Actors and their tattoos have always made the news. Their fascination for tattoos is known to all of us. Most of the time the tattoos are based on religious beliefs or something else that's important to them. Actress Ira Sone has a different viewpoint. She inked her parents' name in both her wrists. She says,” this is my first tattoo. Though I have thought about getting inked before I wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted until yesterday when I was going through some old photos and decided to get my parents' name inked. It’s a surprise for my mom and dedication to my dad. When I was looking at the pictures, all my memories from childhood to teens came in front of my eyes. I am nothing without my parent's presence. These tattoos are a tribute to my parents. Especially my dad so that I can feel his presence around me always.”
Ira also adds,” I clicked a picture and show it to my mother she was elated to see my tattoos. It was an overwhelming feeling for me. But I must admit the anticipation was quite bad, I had a phobia of getting inked. But after two minutes it was gone before I could realize my tattoos were done.”

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