Gauhar Khan may be receiving accolades for her performance in the critically acclaimed, Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Rocket Singh but things aren't rosy on the personal front for her. Gauhar is currently recovering from a major setback in her love life. The actress was seriously involved with Saahil Peerzaada, her boyfriend of two years. They were to tie the knot soon but soon Gauhar realized a third person crowded her relationship and according to sources it's Shama Sikander.
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Mon, 01/25/2010 - 19:55
Gauhar Khan may be receiving accolades for her performance in the critically acclaimed, Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Rocket Singh but things aren't rosy on the personal front for her. Gauhar is currently recovering from a major setback in her love life. The actress was seriously involved with Saahil Peerzaada, her boyfriend of two years. They were to tie the knot soon but soon Gauhar realized a third person crowded her relationship and according to sources it's Shama Sikander.
Informs a source, "Gauhar was serious about Saahil and they have been together for the past two years. They were so serious about each other that they were set to tie the knot with the blessings of their respective parents. But the relationship has now gone kaput. And it's Shama, who seems to be the reason. Just recently, Saahil was spotted with Shama in Filmcity. They were again seen in Saahil's car at 2am today and again at 4 am at a suburban hotel and going by their chemistry the two seemed to have a thing going between them.
"Gauhar is heartbroken and inconsolable. She had started planning her wedding and what is really disturbing her is that Shama was aware that Saahil was involved with Gauhar. It will take some time for Gauhar to recover."
We tried calling Khan and even texted her but to no avail. We also tried her sister, actress Nigar Khan but she refused to say anything about her sister's personal life.
Shama however laughed off the rumour and said, "This is not true. I know both Gauhar and Saahil and they are seeing each other. Gauhar is a friend and is a sweet girl. I haven't got the chance to interact with her much."
Saahil initially refused to comment and said, "I don't wish to comment on my relationship status with Gauhar." When probed further about her alleged relationship with Sikander, he parroted, "Shama is a good friend and there is no truth to these rumours."
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