MUMBAI: Indian actor-producer power couple Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta are turning heads once again as they gear up to launch two new shows under their banner, Dreamiyata Drama. The much-anticipated projects, Lovely Lolla and Rafuu, feature a stellar cast, including Gauhar Khan in a lead role for Lovely Lolla and Ayesha Khan headlining Rafuu.
Today, Sargun Mehta took to social media to share a vibrant video featuring herself, Gauhar Khan, and Ayesha Khan grooving to the beats of Gauhar’s iconic song Jallah Wallah. The trio’s energetic moves and camaraderie have already sparked excitement for those who are eagerly awaiting these new ventures.
Sargun wrote “Learning from the best 🧿 lolla and Nikki were fun last night . See you on @dreamiyatadramaa soon”
Gauhar writes “A-1 humans , amazing pro“ucers , and super talented artists, kya combo hai @sargunmehta @ravidubey2312 #muchlove . N what a partyyyyy”
Lovely Lolla, starring Gauhar Khan, Isha Malvia promises to be a delightful watch, while Rafuu ( a work-in-progress tittle), led by Ayesha Khan, hints at a compelling narrative. Both shows underline Dreamiyata Drama’s commitment to delivering unique and engaging stories that resonate with a wide audience.
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