MUMBAI: Deepika Padukone is busy promoting her upcoming film, Chhapaak. She plays the role of an acid attack survivor in the Meghna Gulzar directorial. Even though the character is inspired by the real-life of Laxmi Aggarwal, it has also been compared with Malayalam movie Uyare. This film, starring Parvathy Thiruvothu in the titular role, is based on an aviation student who survives the acid attack and how it affects her career.
As the trailer of Chhapaak was released, netizens took to the social media to compare the look and the theme to that of Parvathy's film. During her recent interview with Rajeev Masand, the actress finally addressed the comparison and whether it is a concern for the makers or not!
She said, 'Everyone has a different way of telling it. Today, someone else can get up and decide to make a film on Laxmi or on acid violence. I think every film will have a different texture. I actually feel like it's a good thing. Cinema is such a powerful medium and that's why we chose to tell these stories. It's not like acid violence has not existed in the country, it has. It's just spoken about as much as other issues like rape or other issues. It's nice that even Shabana ji had done a movie last year. There have been a couple of them that have been. So, there's no concern.'
Credits: Latestly
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