MUMBAI: Rudra tells Maya that girl was present when Rishi committed suicide.She ask him that is he doubting that girlhe says no but MJ thinks like that but he don’t know that before that he have face him, he will protect her. Maya ask him didi Annaya knows that he is here he tell her that he don’t know he was not sure that he had plans to come here. On other hand MJ cires that he lost his strength but he will not show his emotion in front he needs support Diya says I am with you he says Rudra is right he killed his son she say no it is not possible because he helped him at every point of time. Rudra says thanks to maya he hugs her then he says sorry for touching her without taking his permission Rudra returns to his room and sees Ananya sitting there, asks what happened. Ananya says she nobody cannot win in race, but everyone is given money to participate, she is his consolation price. Rudra asks what is she telling. She says he gave her wedding proposal, but not her; she wanted to spend whole life as a friend, but he gave his bestfriendship to her/Maya; he told he cannot cry, but cried in front of Maya; he shared his sorrows with Maya instead of her. Rudra says Maya also lost her brother and knows his pain. Ananya says even she lost her brothe Rishi, but he gave her friendship to Maya, why..she doesn’t want to be his consolation price, never.. Rudra shouts she asked her right at a wrong time and didn’t understand her at all, but Maya did. He walks away angrily rajiv ask maya why she was hugging him She tell him that she lost her brother and she can understands rudra’ s pain. She say my revenge will be completed once I will destroys Mj life my next target is Rudra I will use love as wapeon Maya’s mother returns from temple and gives prasad to Rajiv. Rajiv says if one shares prasad, they get connected. Mother asks what are they discussing. Rajiv says he is telling Maya that he is her brother from hereon and will protect her. Mother ties holy thread to Maya’s wrist and gives one for Rudra. Once she leaves, Rajiv says poor aunty doesn’t know that Mayank and father are dead, but he is there for Maya. Maya says she doesn’t need him as relationships weaken a person, but she doesn;’t want to and her next target is Rudra.

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