MUMBAI: Yesterday, the Elite Club membership task was won by Sidharth. The game played by the contestants was very interesting. In the game, the contender had to spin a wheel and speak on the topic that is pointed out for a minute.
But, there were several topics on the spinning wheel, which were missed out.
And one of it was Paras and Mahira's friendship. While no one got a chance to speak on it, Asim Riaz and Rashami Desai were seen discussing about the same in the garden area after the task. Yes, Asim gave out his opinions on the rumoured couple, and made some strong statements.
He said that though he likes their bond, he feels that Paras and Mahira both are more than friends. However, they're just pretending and faking to be just to be friends in front of the camera. Not only this he also went on to accuse Paras of using Mahira for the game, whereas he thinks that the actress might have genuinely started feeling for him.
What is your take on this?
Credits: Pinkvilla
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