MUMBAI: Netflix has just dropped the trailer of its new space drama, ‘Away‘. And from the looks of it, the series has got all the elements of a gripping story in place. The series premieres on Netflix on 4th September, and the just-released trailer for Away has already got us excited for the upcoming series. Two-time Academy Award winning actress Hillary Swank plays Emma Green, an astronaut who is chosen to lead an international space team to a manned mission to Mars. The mother of a teenaged girl must battle inner conflict and her own fears of leaving behind her loving husband (Josh Charles) and daughter (Talitha Bateman), as she makes the tough choice of embarking on the perilous journey into space.
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The trailer tells us several times that Emma will be gone for three years. What is also apparent is that her journey may turn out to be a one way mission, fraught as it is with danger and unknown obstacles. Will Emma be able to touch base with Earth again is the question uppermost in the minds of her loved ones, and ours too. Away has been created by Andrew Hinderaker, while Jessica Goldberg is the showrunner of the series. It has been executive-produced by Jason Katims who had earlier brought us ‘Parenthood’ and ‘Friday Night Lights’. Away stars Hilary Swank, Ato Essandoh, Mark Ivanir, Ray Panthaki, Vivian Wu, Talitha Bateman and Josh Charles in pivotal roles. Ray Panthaki plays Ram, the Indian member of the space team.
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