MUMBAI: The pandemic has put a full stop to the Indian entertainment industry that had been at an unprecedented pace otherwise. CINTAA has been in the forefront, aiding and standing up for actor rights even through pandemic.
Now, CINTAA makes global news again with 63 countries voting the Indian actors’ body to The International Federation of Actors (FIA) Executive Committee!
For the uninitiated, The International Federation of Actors (FIA) is a global federation of performers’ trade unions, guilds and professional associations. Founded in 1952, it represents several hundreds of thousands of performers with some 90 member organisations in more than 60 countries around the world. FIA’s main purpose is to voice the professional interests of actors (in film, television, radio, theatre and live performance), broadcast professionals, dancers, singers, variety and circus artists and others.
CINTAA has always stood up for the well-being of its members. In 2016, Senior Joint Secretary & Chairperson -- Outreach Committee, CINTAA, Amit Behl, at the FIA meeting in Brazil, was involved in two very important motions. CINTAA's views and motions since then have always been respected and accepted by FIA and the same goes for this Congress as well.
Now, half a decade since its affiliation to FIA, for the first time in the history of the International Federation of Actors, CINTAA, representing India, has been elected to the executive committee of FIA. With over 150 members, representing 81 countries and with 63 countries exercising voting rights, this marks a landmark step for the Indian actor fraternity, especially since CINTAA has been fighting for the need for performer rights to be heard for the actors in the subcontinent.
CINTAA, with the belief that “The entertainment industry is a global industry with global issues. The response should also be global,” has always been lauded for its progressive thought at the congress.
“There is a huge diaspora of second generation, Asian, Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi actors working in the United States of America, in East Africa, in South Africa, in Fiji, in the Caribbean islands, in the UK, in Australia, in New Zealand, in fact, so many other countries, and apart from Japan, which has primarily got more of animated content, since we have so much of content not only in Hindi, but other regional languages as well, with original as well as dubbed and subtitled content. And now it's being streamed across all the streaming platforms and etc. So the need for India to be part of the executive was expressed by the FIA presidium, and we were almost unanimously elected,” elaborates Amit Behl.
More power to CINTAA!

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