MUMBAI: The Junglewasis of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 15 are furious at Pratik Sehajpal over his lock breaking incident while Vidhi Pandya was taking bath. It started with Vidhi confronting Pratik for his action and also asked him why he would do it when someone is taking a shower and it is not the right thing to do.
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Karan Kundrra blasts Pratik and tells him it is not about his intentions, but the only thing that matters here is how Vidhi feels. Pratik's statement that he did not think about anyone else and his focus was only his game and that he doesn't care about who was inside the bathroom, angered Karan even more. He clearly warned Pratik that from next time he would not do any such thing and even if he wanted to, he should inform the person inside.
Vishal Kotian also questioned Pratik by putting him in a real-life situation. He asked, "Would he react the same way, had someone else tried to break the latch when his sister was having a bath inside'.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 15': Pratik in trouble for unscrewing bathroom lock when Vidhi is bathing
Karan lost his cool and said, "The entire day, you preach to everyone, respect mother and sister and what about other's sisters'. You don't know how to treat a woman, be careful about it. And everything is not about the game."
Pratik later apologised to Vidhi but because of attitude the latter told him don't apologise if it is not coming from your heart.
Credit: ETimes
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