MUMBAI: Shah Rukh Khan's Suhana Khan was snapped outside filmmaker Zoya Akhtar's residence on Friday night. The star kid was seen in a white tank top teamed with beige coloured cargo pants. Following the COVID protocol, she was donning a face mask as a precaution from the virus. Check out the photos here:
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There are reports which suggested that Suhana will make her debut with Zoya's film. Reportedly, it will be an adaptation of Archie comics. The reports also stated that the film will star Sridevi and Boney Kapoor's younger daughter Khushi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda.
For now, there is no official statement from any of the parties.
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Meanwhile, Suhana is quite active on social media and loves to keep fans updated about her life with her posts on Instagram.
Talking about Suhana, SRK had once said that once she completes her studies and her acting school, she would love to enter the film industry as she has an inclination towards it.
Credit: ETimes
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