MUMBAI : In order to celebrate and respect the contributions made by legendary actor and filmmaker Raj Kapoor to the Indian Cinema, the Kapoor family has planned a festival which commenced the other day and will go on until December 15. The festival showcases the restored versions of 10 iconic Raj Kapoor films. The festival is organized by the National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC), National Film Archives of India (NFAI), and Film Heritage Foundation (FHF) in collaboration with Kapoor's family.
Earlier, we spotted famous actor Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, in Delhi as they had arrived to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the Raj Kapoor Centenary Film Festival.
Moments from the festival have been making rounds on social media but here’s something you should not miss and that’s Alia Bhatt looking beautiful in a white floral saree. Take a look at the picture below:
Alia Bhatt’s last release Jigra has been released on Netflix and is gaining some great responses from viewers.
Stay tuned to for more updates from the world of entertainment.
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