MUMBAI: Hrithik Roshan and Ameesha Patel marked their debut 25 years ago as leads with the blockbuster hit Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. The movie is getting re-released on 10th January (tomorrow). However, it is also Hrithik Roshan’s birthday tomorrow and everyone is excited for this. Fans are excited to watch the movie. Meanwhile, today, the actor celebrated his birthday with the media and it was a memorable event.
At the event, Hrithik Roshan revealed one song which was the toughest to perform and it is not the song you are thinking of.
Hrithik Roshan said, “Most challenging was, hands down, ‘Main Aisa Kyun Hoon’ because in that song Prabhudeva showed me a choreography that he kind of wanted me to do and I said I will do it but I will need 2 months. Now I have asked for these two months from a lot of people in my life, nobody gave it to me, he gave it to me. He gave me two months, he had somebody stationed with me all the time for two months before the shoot and that is how we pulled that off because he choreographed the whole thing and he gave me exactly two months, exactly what I wanted aur woh ho gaya theek se. Thank god!”
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