MUMBAI: Hrithik Roshan and Ameesha Patel marked their debut 25 years ago as leads with the blockbuster hit Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. The movie is getting re-released on 10th January (tomorrow). However, it is also Hrithik Roshan’s birthday tomorrow and everyone is excited for this. Fans are excited to watch the movie. Meanwhile, today, the actor celebrated his birthday with the media and it was a memorable event.
At the event, something magical happened when the kid who played Krishh got on stage to meet Hrithik Roshan and this is not something you want to miss.
Hrithik Roshan was very happy to see the young kid and said, “It’s incredible to see you. I’ll be coming to you soon”
When He asked what is Hrithik Roshan’s hidden superpower that the world does not know despite of him being here for 25 years, Hrithik Roshan said, “I think I’ve been very blessed yaar because it is nothing less than a super power that I can enter a room and put a smile on someone’s face. That for me is a super power that I will never take for granted”
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