MUMBAI: Actor Karan Tacker recently melted hearts with an adorable Instagram video alongside co-star Kalki Koechlin, where they urged fans to watch the teaser for their upcoming paranormal thriller, Bhay. The video, which was posted yesterday, showed the duo in a playful and charming exchange, with Kalki joining Karan in the mission to spark excitement for the show. Along with co-stars Danish Sood and Saloni Batra, they created a perfect blend of fun and mystery, leaving fans eager to know more about the show.
Bhay is a gripping series inspired by the real-life story of Gaurav Tiwari, India’s first paranormal investigator, who tragically passed away under mysterious circumstances in 2016. Gaurav was renowned for his pioneering work in the paranormal realm, as well as his involvement in UFO investigations. Karan Tacker portrays this complex and compelling figure in a raw, intense manner, showcasing his versatility in the teaser through a series of intriguing cuts that promise a chilling experience for viewers.
The show is set to stream soon on Amazon MX Player, and Karan’s growing fanbase can look forward to another captivating performance following his work in shows like Khakee: The Bihar Chapter and Special Ops. With several more exciting projects on the horizon, fans can expect more thrilling announcements from the actor in the near future.
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