MUMBAI: The Tamil film industry is facing couch casting issues, according to actress Sanam Shetty. Amidst the Hema Committee Report from Kerala, the actress made the startling claim. In front of the Chennai Police Commissioner's office, the actress had a press conference. After arriving at the location, she requested permission for a rally in response to the rape and murder case in Kolkata, which contained crimes against women.
According to Hindustan Times Tamil (which was translated by Google Translate), Sanam was questioned over the Hema Committee Report as she was talking about her plans for hosting a rally in Chennai.
A few startling cases of sexual exploitation in the Malayalam film industry are highlighted in the research. Speaking about it, Sanam stated that there are casting couch problems in the Tamil film industry.
“I don’t know the details of the Hema Committee report. But I welcome this move. I would like to thank Hema and the Government of Kerala for coming up with such a report. Such incidents are also taking place in the world of Tamil cinema. No one can say no. I am speaking from my own experience,” she said. Sanam added that people cross-question why didn’t she or the victim open up about the incident when it happened. She admitted she gets angry when such a question is asked. “I cut the phone saying I will beat you with sandal,” she said, as per the auto-translation.
“I am raising my voice against the cruel scenario that adjustment is the only way to get a chance. But not everyone in the film industry is like this. Not just women; Men also face these problems. If there is a photo opportunity only if you do adgetsmand, spit it out and go outside. We don’t want a film like this. If you believe in yourself, opportunities will follow,” she added.
The highly awaited Hema Committee report, which spotlights the systemic abuse and harassment faced by women in the Malayalam film industry, was released to the public by the Kerala government on Monday.
The veteran actor Sharada, retired IAS official KB Valsala Kumari, and former High Court judge Justice Hema led the Hema Commission, which was formed in 2017 after actor Dileep was implicated in an assault case. The alarming conditions within an industry that is frequently praised for producing high-caliber films are exposed by the report's findings.
(Also read: 'Kantara' producer, director summoned by Kerala police over plagiarism)
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Credit-News 18
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