MUMBAI: A crucial part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU), Mythri Movie Makers' highly anticipated sequel, Jai HanuMan, has certainly created a buzz with its announcement. Recently, the film’s first look, featuring Kantara star Rishab Shetty as Hanuman, left everyone stunned. Now, adding to the excitement, behind-the-scenes (BTS) footage from the film has been released, perfectly capturing the intensity of the project as it brings Rishab Shetty and director Prasanth Varma together in one frame.
The makers took to their social media to share BTS footage from the Jai HanuMan photo shoot, featuring National Award winner Rishab Shetty and director Prasanth Varma, and added the caption:
"When Focused Vision meets Meticulous Perfection
Team #JaiHanuman is beyond grateful for the outpouring of love and all the EPIC RESPONSES for the #JaiHanumanFirstLook
A BTS click of National Award Winning Actor @shetty_rishab and Visionary Director @PrasanthVarma from the photoshoot session
@MythriOfficial @ThePVCU"
While replying back on this, the Rishab Shetty also shared the BTS picture on his social media and wrote -
"Dear brother @prasanthvarmaofficial, your vision and creativity is incredible! Loving these BTS moments, Your direction brings magic to life on screen."
Marking the beginning of the Indian superhero cinematic universe on a new scale, this first look poster promises the dawn of the world’s biggest superhero universe, rooted in rich Indian mythology.
Producers Naveen Yerneni and Y. Ravi Shankar, known for their commitment to quality, assure that Jai Hanuman will showcase unparalleled production values and top-notch technical standards like never before.
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