MUMBAI: Pushpa 1, which released in 2021, became a sensation, and even made Allu Arjun the next big pan-India superstar after Prabhas. The movie didn't just become a hit on the big screens but its effect took over social media trends. Be it 'Oo Antava Mawa' the famous item number with an extremely sensual performance of Samantha, Be it the character of Srivalli played by Rashmika or the song 'Srivalli' where Allu Arjun gave his unique hook steps, be it Allu Arjun's cool dialogues or be it his famous hand gesture on his beard - it all became part of some viral trends on social media.
The announcement of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' took audience by surprise and everyone was excited to see what the movie holds for the audience. The makers did a great job in keeping up the hype of the movie by sharing some updates.
When the movie finally released on 5th December with som special screening a night before that, it opened up with record-breaking collections. The movie opened up to a whopping Rs 250 Cr worldwide. In India, the movie collected around Rs 160 Cr with Rs 80 Cr in Telugu, Rs 67 Cr in Hindi, Rs 7 Cr in Tamil, Rs 4 Cr in Malayalam and Rs 2 Cr in Kannada.
Now, on day 30, the movie collected around Rs 3.75 Cr approx with Telugu-language collection of Rs 0.75 Cr, Hindi-language collection of Rs 2.9 Cr, Tamil-language collection of Rs 0.09 Cr, and Kannada-language collection of Rs 0.01 Cr. The movie collected Rs 1193.5 Cr in India net while making Rs 1690 Cr worldwide.
It cannot be overlooked that the movie has performed best in Hindi-language. While it doesn't mean that South Movies will always work this way, it surely shows Allu Arjun's grip over the audience in the North belt.
Pushpa 2: The Rule' continues the story of its sequel, starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna and making Fahadh Faasil the antagonist. The movie is directed by Sukumar.
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