MUMBAI: Rocking Star Yash, whose KGF franchise catapulted Kannada cinema onto the global stage, recently addressed his fans on his birthday with a heartfelt message emphasizing safety. However, the message also included a unique symbol that has sent the internet into a frenzy of speculation.
The symbol depicts a double-headed bird, which a prominent fan theory that is going viral suggests represents the Gandaberunda, a mythical bird with immense power. The Gandaberunda was the emblem of the Kingdom of Mysore and later became the official emblem of the state of Karnataka. Given Yash's Mysore roots, fans believe the symbol signifies his deep connection to his heritage and his pride in representing Karnataka on a global platform.
The fan theory further analyses the symbol's deeper meaning. The bird sits atop an infinity symbol, symbolizing the superstar’s relentless pursuit of ambitious goals and his drive to constantly push boundaries. When flipped, the infinity symbol reveals the number 8, Yash's birth date and is also a number deeply associated with the superstar.
"After hours of research, this is what I found." #YashBOSS #ToxicTheMovie #Yash
— Adheera (@adheeraeditz) January 3, 2025
Decoding it further, another fan speculated
‘Gandabherunda was a symbol of Mysore—Yash Boss hails from Mysore
Gandabherunda became the official state emblem of Karnataka—Yash Boss became a symbol of Karnataka
Infinity symbol - infinite possibilities. Just how the boss always aims for the unexpected.
Flip to no, 8 - The number of Yash boss
With a global vision, he carries the pride of Karnataka with him. His achievements will always be intertwined with his roots’
Gandabherunda was a symbol of Mysore—Yash Boss hails from Mysore
Gandabherunda became the official state emblem of Karnataka—Yash Boss became a symbol of Karnataka
symbol - infinite possibilities. Just how the boss always aims for the unexpected.
Flip to no, 8 - The…— (@NameIsShreyash) January 3, 2025
"He is aiming global, but he never forgets where he came from," commented one fan, highlighting Yash's dedication to his roots.
He is aiming global, but he never forgets where he came from. He is always proud of Karnataka and his roots, and he will take this pride with him as he achieves even bigger things.#YashBOSS #ToxicTheMovie
— HaRSHith ViRaT (@HarshithViratt) January 3, 2025
Another fan echoed this sentiment, stating, "To Append Kannada Cinema Into World Map Is Always His Aim & Game."
To Append Kannada Cinema Into World Map Is Always His Aim & Game..!!@TheNameIsYash #ToxicTheMovie
— Gopi (@TheNameIsGopi) January 3, 2025
Intriguingly, the presence of the number 8 in the symbol has also fuelled speculation about an upcoming official update on Yash's highly anticipated next film, "Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups. Jointly produced by Venkat K Narayana and Yash under KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations, Toxic has been Directed by Geetu Mohandas and promises to be a massive entertainer for the audiences.
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