The story of a simple, young and cheerful girl-next-door called Nandini hailing from a middle class family in Chandni Chowk, Delhi. Nandini is the sole bread winner of the family, who is working as a wedding planner. She is not only a responsible family member but also a responsible citizen, who believes in addressing daily life social problems instead of just complaining about them. Empathy, kindness, hard work and a zest to help others are the virtues she has been gifted with since childhood. For a girl, who has always fought for the right things and faced the challenges it brings with her optimism, will she be able to run a nation the way she runs her home? Will she truly become the epitome of women empowerment?
Keerti Nagpure, Rafi Malik, Sujata Sehgal, Manoj Chandila, Shahab Khan, Maleeka R Ghai, Sonam Lamba, Pushkar Goggiaa, Tanvi Thakkar and Aparna Kumar.