MUMBAI : Colors presents Durga, a tale of a tribal girl who defies social expectations to follow her love for the royal heir Anurag and become a doctor, despite opposition from strong tribal woman Paani Bai. Starring Pranali Rathod as Durga, Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai, and Aashay Mishra as Anurag, and produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures, the show is set in Jodhpur, the story follows Durga, a tribal girl aspiring to become a doctor.
Previously, Charu snitches on Durga and Anurag after she sees them together.
Shockingly, Durga's ragging will happen in college.
In the upcoming episode, Anurag’s wedding discussion will take place with the family from Delhi. Meanwhile, Paani Bai will see Durga and call her out for using vermillon.
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