MUMBAI: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has become the longest-running show on TV right now. Abhimanyu and Akshara are winning the hearts of the audience with their love. The roles are played by Harshad Chopra and Pranali Rathod respectively.
Soon things are going to take a shocking turn as Akshara will get to know that Birla’s had a connection with Kartik’s mysterious death.
Akshara will find it hard to forgive Birla’s as they were the reason behind Akshara losing her father at such a young age.
This will also impact Abhimanyu and Akshara’s marital life.
Akshara will decide to walk out of her marriage as she cannot live with people who are responsible for Kartik’s death.
How will Abhimanyu stop Akshara from leaving?
Stay tuned to for more updates and gossip.
Credit: Serial Xpress