For Shah Rukh Khan vs. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, it's round 3.0. The two will be facing off again in 2026 after clashing in 2007 and 2015. Reliable reports of the popular news portal indicate that King and Love & War will face off throughout the weekend of Eid 2026.
On September 8, 2024, the actress welcomed a baby girl, a development that was hailed by both fans as well as peers in the industry. In addition to the excitement around Deepika and Ranveer's daughter's birth, a video of Shah Rukh Khan coming in his white Rolls Royce went viral on the internet.
Rakul debuted as an actor in a Kannada film in 2009. In addition, she appeared in a number of Tamil and Telugu movies before launching her Bollywood career in Yaariyan in 2013.