The forthcoming reality show Lock Upp, produced by Ekta Kapoor, will feature 17 celebrities who will be locked up and must play a game to gain bail and survive the show. Kangana Ranaut will host a show for the first time on OTT, mentoring the contestants.
Tehseen will be seen in the upcoming reality show Lock Upp where he would be playing the game and would face the tough circumstances in the house. TellyChakkar got in touch with Tehseen and asked him about the reason why he signed the show and what will be the trigger point for him to get upset at someone.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 22:15
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Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 22:15
Ekta Kapoor’s upcoming reality show “Lock Upp” started streaming last night on MX Player and AltBalaji. The show as created a stir on social media with the unique concept.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 17:44
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Ektaa Kumaran
Mon, 02/28/2022 - 17:44
Shivam Sharma was one of the most controversial contestants of Splitsvilla. He has been away from showbiz for some time. Now, there is been news that he has been offered Lock Upp.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Sat, 02/26/2022 - 18:15
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Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Sat, 02/26/2022 - 18:15
Ekta Kapoor's upcoming reality show called "Lockup," in which 17 celebrities will be locked up and must play the game to get bail and survive the show. Kangana Ranaut will make her OTT debut as host, guiding and streaming the candidates.
Poonam Pandey is one of the most scandalous actresses of Bollywood and she is known for her explicit videos on social media, Tellychakkar got in touch with Poonam and asked her about what expectations she has from the show and how she was locked up in her own house.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 19:38
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Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 19:38
Nisha will be seen in the reality show Lock Upp, where she would be taking up tough challenges to survive in the game. TellyChakkar got in touch with her and asked her about the challenge of staying without her son for so long and much more.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:00
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Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 17:00
Lock Upp is a reality show that is coming up on AltBalaji and MX Player. We have exclusive news that Ali Merchant will be one of the contestants on the show.
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 13:02
About Author
Submitted by
Ektaa Kumaran
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 13:02