Many TV celebrities welcomed Lord Ganesha into their homes just like regular people do. During Visarjan on September 8, a few TV celebrities, including Gurmeet Choudhary-Debina Bonnerjee, Soniya Bansal, and Deepika Singh, said a tearful goodbye to their Ganpati Bappa. On social media, some images and videos are becoming extremely popular.
Right from teen dramas to kitchen politics, there are some characters which are close to our hearts even today! We look at some popular characters which ruled the viewers’ hearts. Check out the list below!
Although Choudhary, who made his acting debut in a teleseries, has received praise for his physical abilities and states, (“Had I not been an actor, I’d be in the army,” he says), he feels that including sprinting into his fitness regimen has changed the game.
The actor has proven his talent throughout the years by starring in several TV shows and movies. Gurmeet starred in Khamoshiyan, his big-screen debut, in 2015. In 2018, he also starred in a movie called Paltan, which also included well-known television actress Dipika Kakar.
The actress, who is now a mother of two kids, revealed how the illness was first identified in her before Lianna was born and how it has since returned.
In 2023, the couple decided to become parents and welcomed Liana and Divisha, their two daughters. Debina recently shared some insight into the difficulties of juggling parenting with the creation of content. The Ramayan actress shared the hilarious reality of being a mother of two while trying to create content on her Instagram handle a few hours ago.