Actress Krishna Mukherjee accused TV producer Kundan Singh of harassment while she was filming her Dangal television show, 'Shubh Shagun,' earlier this year. Actress Ridhima Pandit claimed that she was subjected to "mental harassment" in one of her programs. Actor-producer Sargun Mehta has now asked actors to speak up if they experience any kind of inconvenience on set in an interview with the well-known news portal.
The show recently took a fresh turn with Shreya Patni, Avinesh Rekhi, and Aditi Bhagat in the key parts. When the popular news portal contacted Mehta to discuss the upcoming chapter of Udaariyaan, we asked the head woman about the bold choices she made for the show, which ultimately worked out well for the project.
Sargun and Ravi who were supposed to attend a party and apparently they were denied entry. Apparently, the guards could not recognize them and after some discussions and calls, they were allowed to enter.