MUMBAI:The Episode starts with Viren taking Nita to Aradhna. Nita asks is she alive. Viren says yes, I m making Reyansh suffer, Reyansh took the drug scam responsibility on himself, I faked Aradhna’s death. Nita says I was happy that she died. He says Reyansh is in jail because she is alive. She asks what do you mean. Viren says Reyansh went to his cabin, I called him and said Aradhna is alive, I kept a condition in front of him, he took the blame, love is strange, he agreed. Nita says wow, brilliant, you kill Aradhna soon. Viren says you think I m a gangster to kill people, you always do something that we fall into trouble, what problem do you have with Aradhna. She asks what shall I do now. He says listen to this. He plays Vikram’s audio. He says I have put mic in the office, Vikram got a tip that you are involved. Nita argues. He threatens her. He says I will kill you before you take my name, I m the mastermind, you think you will blackmail me. He says I called you here for some work, Varun has to do a work for me, I will tell you, I have to go, shut the door when you leave. He goes. Nita taunts Aradhna. She leaves. Aradhna struggles. She finds a knife there. Vikram and Pooja take care of Kadambari. He asks did you talk to Reyansh. Kadambari says no, Reyansh took the blame on himself. He says I don’t understand, why did he take the blame on himself. Pooja says I feel there is one person behind this. Kadambari gets Viren’s message. She asks him to come. She asks Vikram and Pooja to take rest.
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She goes to meet Viren. She says I have come just for Reyansh’s sake, I want to get him out of jail. He says I know, we are close to catch the real culprit, Mrs. Khurana, Jai’s mom is the mastermind. She says I can’t believe this. He says I want a favor, your companionship. She says we aren’t in college now. He says we are humans and we want someone in our lives, I dream to live with you. She says no, I have a son, I have a family, Reyansh is in jail, I can’t leave my family and come, you shouldn’t do this. He says please, we should give a chance to ourselves, I will talk to Vivek and explain to him. She says no, don’t involve him. He says let me talk to him once, if he refuses, then I won’t see you again, I will handle it, just say yes once. She asks will you help me in freeing Reyansh. He says yes, 100%, I will help you and get Mrs. Khurana arrested. He gives her a love letter.
Nita, Akash and Varun have a talk. Jagruti asks Bani will you help me in getting justice for Aradhna. Bani says don’t worry, I m with you, we can’t trust them. Jagruti says sorry, I misbehaved with you. Bani says I never had an affair with Jai, I lied to Aradhna on Jai’s saying, I will always regret that I couldn’t tell her the truth. Varun asks whose accident, who is your boss. Nita says I can just say, Reyansh is his enemy, he wants to hurt Reyansh and his parents, if Varun helps then its possible. Varun says no. Nita says 90 lakhs, he is ready to give it to you. Varun says I can do it. Akash says this is disgusting. Nita says it’s the final game. Its morning, Nita asks Jagruti how was the Chautha, I prayed a lot for Aradhna. Varun and Jagruti argue. Nita insults Jagruti. She gets a call and says its my boss’ call. Akash asks who is your boss. Nita thinks how shall I tell you that my boss used to be your best friend. She answers the call. Viren shouts on her and asks did you lock the door or not, you can’t do a little thing, Aradhna has run away because of your carelessness, she is a smart girl, she will come to you and expose you, I will get saved, you are gone. Nita says I have ruined everything. She worries hearing the door bell. She says Aradhna might have come. Akash laughs and says you have lost the plot. Varun says she is dead. Someone calls out Nita.
Credit: Telly Updates

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