The tale of Pati, Patni aur Woh have captured the fancy of the audience from time to time, through Bollywood flicks and Indian soap operas.
But, it seems that more than viewers, one show maker who has been taken the theme way too seriously is Rashmi Sharma.
Wondering what are we trying to aim at?
Well, her most loved show Swaragini (Colors) seems to be running the basis of this theme only.
From the time of the inception of the venture, Swaragini has been running on theme of love triangles only.
If viewers would remember, the venture started on the note of two half sisters trying to reunite their father and mother.
While the daddy dear aka Shekhar (Sachin Tyagi) from older generation had his share of affair with Sharmishtha (Parineeta Borthakur) and Janki (Daljiet Kaur), the daughters seemed to be following their father’s footsteps.
Though this has been a mystery for the critics till date, we still couldn’t figure out how the siblings fall in love for the same guy or lady. Both the sisters Ragini (Tejaswi Prakash Wayangankar) and Swara (Helly Shah) developed romantic feelings for the same man Lakshya (Namish Tanjeja).
If Gadodia sister chose one man for them, then Maheshwari brother decided to return the favour (tongue out). Yes, post Lakshya’s marriage with Ragini, Sanskaar (Varun Kapoor) got hitched with Swara and he did fall in love with his beautiful bride.
Swara- Sanskaar-Kavita
As soon as we thought that the two married couple Swara-Sanskaar and Ragini-Lakshya would live a blissful married life, our hopes shattered into pieces. Sanskaar’s former lover Kavita (Nikita Sharma) made a dramatic entry in the story.
Finally sidelining all the evils, sister duo Ragini and Swara decided to take nuptial vows once again. But guess what? The bride got swapped in the mandap, with Kavya (Roop Durgapal), Lakshya’s childhood friend, taking Ragini’s place. Wondering where was the lady all the while (Just a thought).
Here comes the best one. After all the complications, as Lakshya finally realized his love for Ragini, things went worse. Here, entered a new man in her life, Karthik (Mayur). Amazing isn’t it!!!
The viewers being showered with so many love triangles, we wonder who are next pair in the line. We guess even the readers must be wondering why the makers are obsessed with such plots, right?
Well, the answer is perhaps the TRP numbers. We admit it or not, we favour lover triangles so much so that it gives a kick to the TRP charts with the makers churning out such themes.
Which love triangle is your favourite, readers? Let us know in the comment section below.

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