Adaa Khan: I trust people easily and people let me down often. I want to be more objective in dealing with people. I am extra sensitive as a person. I want to stop being over emotional. I want to be more focused and take it easy
Vahbiz Dorabjee: I would like to kill my inner demon of being blunt I am not one of those who can take nonsense. I am a nonsense person but I think sometimes everything doesn’t need a reaction and sometimes some things do need a reaction. I would like to kill my inner demon and try to be a little more diplomatic.
Arjun Bijlani: I have the evil of not giving enough time to people who matter. I want to change this habit of not giving enough time to people who matter the most in my life. I want to ensure that I spend quality time with my family. I am not even getting time for my friends. I want to take more initiative, touch base with my friends as friendship is an important component of life. All in all, I just want to reschedule the cycle of my life and bring balance.
Shashank Vyas: I trust people too easily and believe whatever they tell me I would try to be more objective because trusting people blindly has landed me in troubles a couple of times I would try to be objective from inside when dealing with people. I am a sensitive person but won't let people take me for granted. I neither entertain manipulation nor substantiate any kind of negativity. I am a positive person and live life one day at a time.
Sneha Wagh: I am very confined to myself and I find it hard to express myself when it comes to expressing my emotions. They say the more you keep things inside your heart the more disturbed you become. I would want to kill this problem of becoming anxious and overthinking small things and finally disturbing my peace of mind. I try very hard to keep thoughts away and be in peace.

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