Actors play varied characters onscreen, but have you ever wondered which aam aadmi (common man) role would actors like to live for a day... There are many important people living around us who help us in various ways like the dabbawala, our maid, the police, and so on…Hence, we called up popular TV stars to find out which role they would like to play for a day.
Here’s what they have to say…
Karan Patel:
I would love to be a traffic police and dabbawala for a day. Hats off to them for making our lives easier. One of the toughest jobs is controlling traffic in a city like Mumbai. I also salute dabbawalas for always being punctual in any weather condition.
Sriti Jha:
That's such a cool question. I'd like to play an undertaker; the guy who sells coffins. I'd like to experience a process where death is not morose but a business opportunity. And how this one guy could make someone's last journey a beautiful one.
Ali Asgar:
Coming from an Iranian hotel-based family and being a complete foodie, I would love to be a part of the hotel industry. My love for food and cooking is something that will never change. So yes, any role that depicts hotel industry would be the role I would love to play for a day. In fact, not just a day, I wouldn't mind playing this role for my whole life.
Shakti Mohan:
I wish to see the country clean and pollution-free hence, I would love to don the role of a street cleaner for a day. In fact, I have earlier supported Swacch Bharat and had cleaned up few streets of Mumbai with the help of BMC.
Shakti Arora:
I would like to play a traffic police’ life as I would get a lot of bribe and meet different characters like drunkards, rule-breakers, beggars, spoilt brats, eunuchs and many more.
Rachana Parulkar:
I want to play a tapori girl as I love the wild side of a tapori, the "Bambaiya" language and the pantar giri.
Ravi Dubey:
Given a chance, I would love to become an entertainer again. If by entertaining someone, I can bring a smile on someone’s face, then I am the happiest person alive. I am and will always entertain people as that makes me happy and content.
What role would you like to play? Let us know in the comment box below.

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