Do you remember those long, lazy nights where you chilled out with a bowl of Maggi noodles? Or the time in hostel when you went looking for Maggi at 3 AM? Well, all these incidents night become memory soon because according to reports, Maggi noodles could be banned in India due to unnatural presence of MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) in it.
We buzzed our favourite TV stars to know their reaction on this…read on:
Gautam Rode: If the chemical is harmful for health then it should be banned. I am sure the decision will be taken for our betterment. For me, health comes before taste.
Nia Sharma: No, I won’t miss eating Maggi as I avoid eating such junk. It is not healthy food. In fact, I think all junk eatables should be banned. So people switch to healthy food!
Siddharth Arora: I sometimes eat only Atta (Wheat) noodles as normal Maggi is unhealthy and it sticks to your intestines. So if government has found out its unhealthy, it should be prohibited. Anything which is detrimental to one’s health has to be banned. Health is wealth.
Divyanka Tripathi: I will surely miss it. It’s a comfort food that every Indian likes binging on. My sister and I used to cook Maggi in different pans at the same time so that we won’t miss a single strand of noodle while dividing it! And later we used to wipe our plates clean with our tongues. We were laalchi and obsessive over Maggi.
Kunwar Amar: It will be a nightmare for me if Maggi is banned in India. I can’t imagine my life without Maggi as it my favourite and dependable food.
Delnaaz Irani: Yes, I love Maggi. It is the quickest meal. The first time I made Maggi was a disaster as it was all soggy. Then eventually I became a pro at it. Please, don’t ban Maggi. I know it’s unhealthy, but I am addicted.
Niti Taylor: I won’t say Maggi is my favourite food, but I have had fond memories during my childhood. After playing in the evening, I could smell Maggi from kilometers away and run home impatiently to eat it. The first thing I ever learnt to cook was Maggi. Now that I am working, I hardly get time to cook. But whenever I get a chance, I gulp down a delicious bowl of Maggi.
Karan Tacker: Maggi has some lovely childhood memories and it’s the food I carry when camping. What will we cook in two minutes now?
Shakti Arora: It’s saddening to know Maggi might be banned. I really love eating Maggi and it’s my favourite snack. Before it gets banned I will stock it. I don’t care if there is MSG or OMG.
Will you miss eating Maggi? Let us know in the comments box below.

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