Getting the first pay cheque is a big deal for any one of us.
We have so many dreams and aspirations that we wish to fulfil when we get paid for the first time for a hard day or a hard month’s work.
So, this time, we decided to ask our talented and beautiful TV actors what they did when they received their first pay cheque. Read on…
Arjun Bijlani: My first pay cheque was for Rs 750. When I got paid, I took my Mom to a restaurant.
Rashami Desai: It was Rs 5000. I bought a sari for my mom with the money and deposited the rest Rs 3000 in my bank account.
Ssharad Malhotraa: I got my first pay when I did my first print ad about 17 years back in Kolkata for a leading telecom company. I got paid Rs 2500 and it made feel like the king of the world. Being a momma's boy, very obediently, I handed it over to my mother. The entire family had a great feast, thanks to me!
Sheena Bajaj: When I was 13, I got my first cheque. I gave it to my mom and asked her to buy whatever she wanted. From then on, whatever I do is for my family.
Ankit Gera: I took a photocopy of my first paycheque; it's still safe with me. I remember I had to travel to Kolkata for a ramp show with Peter England. It was my first assignment. I remember I got paid Rs 4,000 while I spent Rs 7,000 on flights (laughs)! But it was very special for me. I gifted wireless headphones to my mother with that.
Ridheema Tiwari: My first paycheque was Rs 10,000. I remember I got an Indusland bank cheque. With the money, I bought Diwali gifts for my parents.
Mrunal Jain: I gave the entire amount of my earning to my mother. My mother blessings are always with me.
Sweet na?

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