Technology thy name is happiness!! For with the advent of every new technology shift, the lay man gets habituated to the new change, and with it comes a lot of satisfaction!!
Do we even realize the rapid pace at which we have upgraded to the latest of technology available to us? From the days of having a landline phone connection to having a smartphone in even the kids' hands, technology has come a long way.
However, it feels amazing to recall the old times when our life wasn't simplified this much. We are quite well-versed with the usage of smartphones today.
We at Tellychakkar.com decided to take our favorite celebrities down the memory lane to recall the ‘special’ moment when they used the cell phone for the very first time…
Aww!! Work for the brain, right? Here are the telly biggies taxing their brains and coming up with answers…
Anas Rashid - All my focus used to be on counting seconds rather than talking because we had to pay for the incoming calls too and it was very costly, ie Rs 23/minute. So I used to make sure that I didn’t exceed talking beyond a minute (laughs). I got my first cell phone when I opened my cafetaria in the year 2000. I used to play the snake game a lot on my phone. I had got a special mobile case and used to keep it attached with my belt so that everyone could see that I had a mobile (laughs).
Mugdha Chaphekar - My dad had gifted me a cell phone for my safety, when I was in college. It was a very simple model of Nokia but it was such a wonderful phone. There was a lot of excitement regarding my cell phone in my college group. I used to play lot of games and also call my parents for silly things. That used to be such a big thing for us. These days even kids own a cell phone.
Pearl V Puri - I remember using a cell phone which had a small antenna on it. I was in 7th Std. then. Those phones were used only to call and text. I used to show my phone to all my friends with lots of excitement.
Helly Shah - It was my mom's cell phone which did not have a touch screen. I was very small then and used to explore the phone and search for games in it to play. I used to play Block games and also the snake game. I always looked for someone else's phone to play the game because my mom's phone didn't have it.
Ankit Bathla - I remember my mom used to give her cell phone to me when I used to go for tuition at night. Once I talked for Rs. 320 and got a good scolding from my parents. I used to play the snake game too. Later on I got a Reliance phone in which calls were free. I used to keep talking on it all the time and hide it inside my book to keep it away from my mom’s vision.
Quite a nice memory they have. Isn't? What are your memories with your first cell phone? Write them here…

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