Abhi and Pragya of Kumkum Bhagya don't fall head over heels in love with each other in the first meeting. They start off as a bickering couple, soon turning into a happily married twosome. Perhaps that’s what makes them so cool! We tell you why they are a perfect couple:
Crackling chemistry:
Despite their love story not being rampant from the very beginning, the two managed to set the screen on fire with their evolving chemistry. From a couple that fought over everything to the couple that fought for each other, they have come a long way. We love how the duo make us wish for a partner like them.
Opposites attract:
The tough and rough Abhi and the sweet and smart Pragya make for the ideal ‘opposite’ couple. Their love grows with each passing day as they discover little things about each other. Even though they start off their journey together as a compromise, they realise what a wonderful partner they have got as the time progresses.
Love wins over everything:
Even though Tanu (Abhi’s ex-lover) tries every trick in the book to separate the two, he sticks by his wife and takes on the responsibilities of a husband. He tries to impress and shower Pragya with love, affection and care. This is how a couple should be, no?
Sacrifice for their love:
When Pragya realises that Tanu is pregnant with Abhi’s child, she plans to sacrifice her love for her husband in order to give his child a father. She even picks up a fight with daadi so that the latter hates her and throws her out of the house. If that doesn’t make them a super couple, what does?
Do you guys like this couple as much as we do? Shout out to us in the comments section now!

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