MUMBAI:Nidhi walks to the corner then informs Shaurya that everything is ready here, she asks him to execute the plan just as she told him while he must also bring down the footage which she will play on the big screen, then he should turn off the video after acting as he is getting tensed after which he must run straight towards the room where both Rajveer an Shanaya are unconscious, he can throw Rajveer after pushing him and no one would be able to stop him. Shaurya says he is going to go and play the footage in his own room after which he will give it to Sunny. Nidhi then goes to inform everyone that they have been collecting the picture and memories just as they started preparing for this engagement and so it is time for them to sit here and enjoy it. Shaurya comes down asking where is Shanaya and Rajveer as it is such a big event and he will return after searching for them as only these both vanish each and every time then she asks everyone to sit down, Karan stops Preeta saying if she keeps walking like this then might fall but then Preeta replies she is not a child so tries to walk ahead however is about to fall but Karan manages to catch her, he says he told her that this would happen as they have known each-other for a lot of years, Preeta asks what did he mean by so many years, Karan replies it happens that they feel they know each other for so many years, this is what he meant, Karan says he knew sh would not look at the carpet while would fall without looking at it, Preeta says Karan thinks a lot about her, he replies he was worried about the carpet as he was sure she would slip and at that moment he is going to help her, as how can she fall when he is present because he would never let anything happen to her so he laves advising her to be careful. Gurpreet goes to ask Preeta what is she thinking about, Preeta replies what did Karan just say to her, Gurpreet replies that karan is a very nice person and does not leave the hand of anyone, she mentions she meant Karan tends to keep the persons close whom he thinks as his own.
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Mahesh asks Mohit to come and sit down but Mohit says Shaurya was right to say Rajveer and Shanaya are not present, Mahesh replies it is not the case when Mohit says those whose photos and videos are about to be shown are themselves not present, Mahesh replies what would they do after looking at them, Nidhi goes to Sunny explaining it is time to play the film and blow the minds of everyone. Sunny asks for some time.
Daljeet asks Bi jee if she knew the Luthra’s before the engagement of Shaurya and Shanaya, Bi jee says that she just knew Karan Luthra as he was a very big cricketer and a lot of girls were after him while she says even she used to love him, Preeta is shocked hearing Bi jee saying that every girl just had one name on their mind which was Karan Luthra, Preeta suddenly starts getting the memory flashbacks and how she met with karan for the first time in his car when he was also surrounded by the girls who came around his car, she keeps getting a headache which worries her a lot, Preeta starts crying and then walks away, Bani Dadi wonders why does Preeta seem so tensed and she suddenly left so Bani Dadi follows her.
Palki thinks it is very difficult when they know something is wrong but cannot figure it out, she wonders what was Nidhi aunti talking about that they would play a film, palki thinks about looking carefully around again however she is still not able to find anything then wonders what was Nidhi aunti talking off so she leaves. Shaurya then comes running to his room, he starts searching for the pen drive which he takes out from his pocket, he thinks about playing it in his laptop, Shaurya puts the pen drive and then the video is playing, Shaurya exclaims this video is ready, he thinks that the video is from today but the audio is from the day Rajveer proposed to palki, Shaurya says this means those who would see the video today would believe he said it to Shanaya while his entire family who love Rajveer so much would think he has done a crime, Shaurya thinks that there is a big part of the video which is missing so he calls Sunny, Shaurya then calls Sunny asking him to come to the room but Sunny says he is showing everyone the photos, Shaurya says that Sunny must come to his room right now as the most important part of it is missing. Shaurya while waiting for Sunny looks around and is then furious.
Preeta slowly enters the room of Karan where she goes to sit on the bed, she questions why is she having such a severe headache and why is she feeling so weird so wonders if everything is fine, Preeta then pours some water for herself which she starts to drink, she exclaims she is having a very weird feeling. Preeta gets up to walk towards the other side then feels she might have come to the room of karan but she felt it is the guest room, Preeta then sees the book shelf on which there is a board, she suddenly starts getting the memory flashbacks. Preeta walks towards the wardrobe, she keeps thinking why is she feeling that she might have come to this room a lot of time, as the bed, window and all the things seem familiar, Preeta holds her head exclaiming it will burst, she keeps getting back her memories then wonders why is she having such memories and is it all a dream, she thinks there used to be a picture of Karan, she wonders if she is getting mad. Preeta question what is happening to her and what is she remembering right now, she tries to run out of the room covering her head when Karan holds her asking if she is fine and what happened to her, Preeta asks Karan for how long has she known him, he asks why is she asking this question but Preeta asks the same question again about for how long have they known each other, she says this room and things are causing a weird feeling. Karan says he would be able to find a solution for her when he knows it all, Bani Dadi also asks karan what happened, he replies Preeta might be suffering from a panic attack. Preeta tells Bani Dadi she is feeling she has come to this room for a lot of times, she even points to the wall saying there used to be a photo of karan, she says he used to argue with her a lot and she used to do the same, Preeta asks what are these memories or is she hallucinating, Preeta says she would complain to his photo about him but there is none here, then why is she thinking about the things, why is everything in this room calling to her so is she getting mad. Preeta once again holds her head with both of her hands when karan calls to her but she gets unconscious so Bani Dadi asks him to help her lie down on the bed, Preeta closes her eyes when he asks her to put her feet on the bed, karan says he felt she might have had a strain on her head so fell unconscious, Bai Dadi says Karan must not be worried but he asks Bani Dadi to stay with Preeta while he will bring the doctor so he leaves.
Shaurya is waiting for Sunny who comes when Shaurya informs he needs fake video which would prove that they both are making love to each other, Sunny asks how will it happen, Shaurya says Sunny should leave it to him so informs that they will force both of them to do it while Sunny can shake the bed from behind and they are going to add a video sound to it, Shaurya takes Sunny to the bed room where both Rajveer and Shanaya are unconscious then Shaurya asks Sunny to help him, they take off the shirt of Rajveer and then place his hand over the body of Shanaya who is also unconsciousness, Shaurya is taking the video when he asks Sunny if it is visible that they both are involved with each other so he asks Sunny to go and shake the bed but Sunny is not able to do it, Shaurya threatens him when Sunny asks Shaurya to shake the camera as it will give the same affect, Shaurya says they have to make everyone believe that something is going with Shanaya and Rajveer, Sunny says they both are unconscious and when they wake up then will lose their mind, Palki opens the door when she gets shocked seeing Shaurya making the video of Palki and Rajveer, Palki angrily takes the camera asking if they both have lost their mind and she yells at them both saying she is ashamed of them, Paki runs over to wake Rajveer, but he is unconscious and not even responding, she even tries to wake Shanaya. Palki wonders what would anyone feel if they came here so she thinks about covering them, Shaurya requests Palki to listen to him but she warns Shaurya to shut up, she covers both Rajveer and Shanaya while Shaurya says there is no point. Palki says she used just to hate him but from today is feeling disgusted, palki orders Sunny to get out otherwise she will show him the worst, Palki demands Shaurya must come with her but he refuses.
Also Read:Kundali Bhagya: Really! Shaurya gets jealous seeing Palki and Rajveer romance
The entire Luthra family is looking at the preparation footage, they are looking at the footage of the first day, Nidhi thinks now the climax would be revealed, but suddenly Karan comes running down and then turns off the main screen, he is searching for Dr Siddarth, Mahesh asks Karan what has happened so he leaves informing Preeta has gotten unconscious, they all rush upstairs when Nidhi thinks what can she do about Preeta as she ruins her plan, because the climax of Rajveer and Shanaya was delayed so she says she hates Preeta and it would be better if she dies, palki forces Shaurya to come with her but he says that he is not going anywhere and he warns her to stay away from him, Palki follows Shaurya who enters his room, she asks what was he planning to do, and they were about the condition of Rajveer and Shanaya. Palki questions if eh wanted to show the dirty picture and she asks if he is not ashamed of himself, he warns her to stop saying she has said enough, she asks what was he trying to prove as ever since she has met she has not seen a grain of humanity in him because they first met when he was drunk while driving and almost caused the accident of the bus, Palki says he had tried to hurt her self respect by blaming her for stealing, she feels he just wants to use everyone for his own games which he tried to play with Rajveer and SHanaya today, Palki asks what is the story behind his actions today as his bad actions have caused him to go to a very lower level when she feels he is just dirt in front of her, Shaurya replies he is no longer the son of a wealthy person when Rajveer has become the son of his father, Shaurya says that he was the center of attraction for his family, but Rajveer took away his relations, his Dadi keeps asking about Rajveer and Badi mom also keeps wondering why did Rajveer not come to the house. His father loves Rajveer the most, Kritika bua also loves Rajveer a lot. On top of that, his sister KD used to love him a lot but is now loving Rajveer and this happened on the day of RakshaBandhan, Palki says the relations are formed but he does not even know how to talk properly so how can he make any relation, Shaurya angrily asks what does Palki know of his life which Rajveer has ruined ever since he came, Shaurya says the entire family loved him a lot but then an outsider enters. The same family stops seeing him, Shaurya says he is the only one who has suffered it while crying alone, Palki asks if he thinks he can gain his sympathy by these talks as the actions are not of a good person. Palki says the family is going to slap him after finding out about his actions but does Shauyra know what he did to Rajveer as he tried to trap him but Shaurya himself got disrespected, Palki threatens to tell everyone the truth about him while she sees what they feel of him and she is sure he is not going to be able to gain back the respect, Shaurya angrily pulls Palki back into the room and then locks the door asking where was she going, he says he knows the middle-class people like her a lot as they tend to take advantage of them by complaining to his family, Palki replies she indeed love her Rajveer a lot and he is not like him, Shaurya replies Rajveer cannot e like him because he is the son of The Karan Luthra, Shaurya says Rajveer made thee relations but he came to steal the business empire, Shaurya says that the entire business world takes the name of Rajveer after his father, while his own father says that he sees himself in Rajveer so he hates them for it. Palki says the one who hates everything and does not even have the manners to talk is himself a bad person. Palki says she gets bad vibes after looking at him and Palki replies she hates him more then hate when Shaurya says Palki loves Rajveer the most, Shaurya says Rajveer is a thief and he does not love anyone else other then himself while steals everyone as Rjaveer stole everything from him, Shaurya says he hates Rajveer to the extent to not let him live even for a moment, Shaurya accepts he did everything by being the one to spend the spiked drinks and he is also the one who took off the shirt of Rajveer, palki feels disgusted and shocked.
Credit: Telly Updates

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