MUMBAI:Bani Dadi tells Karan she is going to pray that the one for whom he has kept the Varth should get back her life, Karan agrees but then starts following the rituals just as Rakhi and all the other women are doing on the roof. Karan holds the Thali and starts performing the Arthi of Preeta when she is still unconscious, Nidhi is frustrated witnessing it.
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Bani Dadi is looking as everyone else is performing the Arthi and then Nidhi is emotional, Karan keeps looking back again and again to know the steps, he applies the tika on the forehead of Preeta. Palki and Shanaya also do it with Rajveer and Shaurya respectively. Karina consoles Nidhi who is very emotional. Karan is still preparing the round strainer through which he would first look at the moon and then after completing the rituals of the moon he looks at Preeta through it, just as all the women are doing on the roof top of the Luthra Mansion. The women all turn to look at either their husbands or fiance through it while Karan is doing the same for Preeta in the hospital. Mahesh along with everyone else help break the fast of their partners. Karan sits beside Preeta and while holding the cup from her hand, he breaks his own fast just as Rajveer does for Palki, and Shaurya is doing for Shanaya. Bani Dadi starts crying seeing it, Karina keeps doing her best to console Nidhi. Karan is able to break his fast with the hands of Preeta, Rakhi kneels to take the blessings of Mahesh, Shanaya and Palki do the same but Rajveer refuses to let Palki touch his feet, Rakhi and Mahesh hug each other while Rajveer also hugs Palki. Karan is just looking at Preeta and slowly turn to see how Preeta has started moving a bit ad even twitching, karan is very amazed by it, Preeta starts opening her eyes, Karan calls his mother telling her that Preeta got conscious, Bani Dadi calls Rakhi mentioning that there is a magical moment happening since Preeta got conscious, they all rush to her when Rakhi is glad seeing that her daughter got conscious again. Rajveer and palki are also emotional by it while Karan is smiling. Palki says KarwaMata did what she can, karan says his Varth got fruitful and Karan explains he will bring her back after arranging for all the discharged papers, Rakhi asks Karan to go and immediately ask the doctor if he can discharge, Karan says he has understood that there is Bhagwan in this world as something magical happened in front of him he praises KarwaMata and then ends the call mentioning he is going to inform them about it all very soon. Palki and Rajveer hug each other while Mahesh is also emotional.
Preeta asks Karan why did he keep the Varth and she asks if he would take her back home as she does not feel good in the hospital, Karan asks her to wait for a moment as he is going to bring the doctor and nurse, preeta is crying.
Bani Dadi praises Karwa Mata for the magical moment and even Rakhi praises Karwa mata telling Bani Dadi she is feeling they have gotten a lot of happiness in this house and which is visible on the face of everyone. Bani Dadi agrees saying that today there is just happiness in this house, Shaurya is furious while Nidhi exclaims she is going to burn their happiness as the Preeta for which they are all so happy about would suffer and she is not going to let her live. Shaurya asks why is his mom getting upset and Shaurya explains that his Dad is in the hospital keeping a Varth for a stranger, Shaurya says his mom does not deserve it and then Nidhi agrees with Shaurya saying there is no need for them here, Arohi also follows them when Palki notices Shanaya leaving so wonders what might have happened.
Mahesh tells his mother that a lot has changed as before the wives would fight with Yamraj but this time a husband has done it for his wife, Bani Dadi says that this is why Mahesh would also have to keep the Varth for Rakhi from next year.
Shaurya asks Nidhi to not be worried when Nidhi says that Shaurya should not do anything wrong as his father would bring preeta and Rajveer into the house but if he does something wrong then would not get anything. Shaurya says that Nidhi mom keeps forcing her to do it all but what did he get in the past, Nidhi replies Shaurya got something but says that he should keep obeying his father and it might ruin everything. Shaurya says that he is not able to understand why the aunt of Rajveer stays in their house when he is their father but is more attached to the aunt of Rajveer and him. Nidhi tells Shaurya that he should let it be Shanaya also asks Nidhi why is the aunt of Rajveer and him staying in this house, Nidhi warns Shanaya to stay out of it when she is talking to her son so Shanaya leaves. Shaurya says he cannot bear Shanaya in this room and is fed up with all this situation. Shaurya asks when would they leave, Nidhi replies this time she is going to play with words and do something due tow which the aunt of Rajveer is going to leave this house. Karina comes calling Nidhi who starts to cry in front of her so Karina makes Nidhi sit on the ouch saying she should stop crying and calm down assuring everything would be fine, Nidhi thinks Shaurya does not know that Preeta has been married and she is the mother of Rajveer, Nidhi thinks that she should make sure Shaurya does not get to know anything else, Shaurya says he is very thankful as Karina Bua is supporting his mother otherwise no one else cares for her. Shaurya says that where is his dad when his mom has kept the Varth for his father but his Dad is in the hospital and with a stranger to wait for her becoming healthy. Shaurya asks what is in that women and he is sitting in the hospital. Karina tries to reveal the truth but Nidhi replies she told Shaurya about it and he must stay calm when they should be thankful of Karina Bua who is by their side, she thanks Karina Bua for always being there and then they hear Rakhi ordering them to clean the room. Shaurya walks away after excusing them both, Karina also follows him along with Nidhi.
Rakhi tells Mahesh she got the guest room cleaned and Kavya comes agreeing with her. Shanaya notices Nidhi jee standing on the balcony when she thinks that what Shaurya would hear is going to make him very furious.
Rajveer tells Badi mom there is no need for it when they both are fine living in the outhouse, Rakhi replies she now wants her daughter to stay here as she wants to take care of her, Palki agrees with Rakhi when Rajveer turns to his Mahesh Dadu but then Mahesh says that Rakhi jee would be telling the truth and does Rajveer actually think he would fight with Rakhi jee due to him. Kavya also asks Rajveer what problem does he have when they all want her to stay with them. Karina coming down asks what is going on, Rakhi tells Karina di that she has cleared the room and is desiring tot take care of her daughter, Nidhi says it is not right when Rakhi questions what is wrong with taking care of her daughter, Nidhi says her entire life is ruined. Rakhi replies this is the problem that Nidhi does not want to see the truth but is just living in her imaginary world. Nidhi asks if Rakhi has ever taken care of her like this when Rakhi says that Nidhi is not around them, Shaurya asks Rakhi why is Preeta so important for them, Nidhi furiously asks Shaurya to go and bring the medicine when Shaurya gets worried wondering why is his mom saying it, Shanaya furiously goes after Shaurya.
Shaurya is walking when Shanaya calls him from behind, Shaurya asks why does she keep following him when he is furious, she replies that she just wants to say that she is always going to be by his side in each and every problem. Shaurya asks if she can even listen to herself when she knows there is nothing common between them both, Shanaya says that she is just there to support him, Shaurya replies she irritates him a lot and then leaves in the car.
Karina says she is going to agree with Rajveer and if he desires that he and Preeta should live in the outhouse then Rakhi Bhabhi is here for twenty four hours then why is she shifting them to this house. Bani Dadi asks Karina to let Rakhi do what she desires, Rakhi requests Karina di to understand her emotions as Preeta is not well and she does not want Preeta to stay away as if she stays in the house then would be taken care of properly. Nidhi replies that outhouse is also in the house and they donot have to go anywhere and she is trying to make an excuse, Rakhi replies she is doing it openly that she wants her daughter to stay with her in this house, Rakhi explains whenever their family has suffered any problem then the one person who supported them is Preeta, even if it meant risking her own life be the matter relating to police, court or even any criminal while now when today Preeta needs them so should she turn her back but it is not possible being a mother, her motherhood cannot allow it so she will take care of Preeta who needs her a lot. Rakhi requests the to listen to her, Nidhi asks if Rakhi mom forgot that she has not done anything for this house so does Rakhi mom not want to keep her close, Rakhi says Nidhi has forgotten and does she remember how they got when Nidhi tried to take her life, they all did whatever they could and even Preeta took care of her, Rakhi asks if she remembers it as Preeta advised that what she was trying to do is wrong. Rakhi says Preeta is a part of this family. Rajveer tries to interfere but Kavya stops hims saying the elders are talking. Mahesh also says that Rajveer must not interfere as he knows that Kavya always supports Rakhi jee and this matter is relating to Preeta. Karina says what is wrong with her and she forgot that her family has never supported her and they never listen to her, Bani Dadi asks Karina to not do it right now but Karina says they should tell her the time to speak. Rakhi says Karina is feeling bad tat she is trying to bring her daughter into this house so they should not argue over the small matter. Rakhi says today is KarwaChawth and mummy je always gives her a gift on this day so today she is going to ask for a special gift and going to mummy jee asks for the right to bring her daughter into this house. Mummy jee promises that it is the right of Rakhi and assures no one is going to say anything to her, Palki hugs Rakhi saying those who get her support would be glad, Palki further says she desires everyone should get a mother like her, Rakhi asks why did Palki say like this and doe she know that preeta is her daughter in law. Nidhi walks away while crying and even thrashes the thali placed in the corner. Karina angrily says this is their problem that they always support Preeta even if the other person has done a lot for them and she says she does not believe them so asks if they all know how much Nidhi gets hurt from it, Karina is trying to leave when Kavya says she is going to talk with her and so goes after Nidhi. Rajveer is also tensed. Palki consoles Rakhi who says they should forget whatever happened here and she knows Nidhi is angry but knows that Nidhi would accept it very soon when this is the time to celebrate since her daughter is returning to the house. Bani Dadi thinks that Karina is still furious and she is always like this so prays to Mata Rani.
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Karan is waiting when the doctor returns saying Preeta is fine, Karan says Preeta has still not remembered anything and is still talking to him as Karan but not her husband. The doctor says that he is the one who prepared her discharge papers and has even done some tests but according to them she has not remember anything however it is just a matter of time. Karan says but the doctor said she would be fine however he gets a call so says that he is bringing Preeta back home but she has not remembered anything like he thought and so they have to treat her like the aunt of Rajveer, karan says he is returning with Preeta and is tensed.
Credit: Telly Updates

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