Anita Hassanandani is one of the stylish divas on television. She is simple and classy who believes in herself. Her favorite shopping destination is London.
<strong>Fashion is: </strong> Staying comfortable and classy.
<strong>Who chooses your clothes? </strong> Only I; no-one knows you better than yourself
<strong>Do you wear accessories? </strong> All the time, since I wear simple stuff.
<strong>Do you follow any brand? </strong> Not really, it's the fit that matters; it's all about what you really like... And I don't think the brand has anything to do with that.
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Thu, 02/28/2013 - 18:50

Anita Hassanandani is one of the stylish divas on television. She is simple and classy who believes in herself. Her favorite shopping destination is London.
Fashion is: Staying comfortable and classy.
Who chooses your clothes? Only I; no-one knows you better than yourself
Do you wear accessories? All the time, since I wear simple stuff.
Do you follow any brand? Not really, it's the fit that matters; it's all about what you really like... And I don't think the brand has anything to do with that.
Your favourite shopping destination: London.
Most expensive buy: My Chanel watch.
Clothes you are comfortable in: Denims... At times shalwar kamiz.
I think it has a lot to do with your state of mind.
Must-have in your wallet: Credit cards. For splurging on bags, shoes and dresses, obviously.
Favourite perfume: Insolence by Guerlain as of today.
Colour that fills your wardrobe: Black, white and of late, rose and pink.
Describe sale in one word: Happiness.
Currently, your wardrobe is overflowing with: Black dresses.
You have the hardest time getting dressed for: Breakfast
meetings. But only because I have a hard time waking up.
Any fashion disaster that you have come across recently: Women wearing boots in Mumbai. I agree the temperature fell a few degrees, but still, not cool.
If you had to choose a fashion era; which period would it be? Medieval Times.







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