She debuted with DD's Kahani Saat Phero Ki almost half a decade back. But it was with Zee's Piya Ka Ghar (where she played a double role) that Narayani Shastri earned her much desired acclaim as an artiste. With some TRP grossing shows to her credit this actor with luscious locks is currently busy with a primetime daily, Sanskar on DD.
With such cut throat competition in this industry; one definitely needs to be on their toes. And Narayani definitely knows one strategy of survival - Being fit. Read more….
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Tue, 01/09/2007 - 12:27

She debuted with DD's Kahani Saat Phero Ki almost half a decade back. But it was with Zee's Piya Ka Ghar (where she played a double role) that Narayani Shastri earned her much desired acclaim as an artiste. With some TRP grossing shows to her credit this actor with luscious locks is currently busy with a primetime daily, Sanskar on DD.
With such cut throat competition in this industry; one definitely needs to be on their toes. And Narayani definitely knows one strategy of survival - Being fit. Read more….
My Fitness Mantra: I am a health freak. I cannot think of life without working out. In my opinion, everybody should be fit. Not just people from our line, even housewives should look after their figures, after all what is life without a healthy body!
My Exercise Regime: I slog for about 90 minutes, 6 days a week. My routine consists of light weights and cardio. I generally workout either at the break of the day or at night, depending on my shooting schedules.
My Diet: I have small meals every two hours and avoid eating after eight in the evening. I drink a lot of juices including neem, carrot and even karela and lauki to keep my system hydrated during my long work hours. One should not totally avoid anything in particular but at the same time shouldn't over do it too!
My Gymming Tips: It's very important to find the right gym and trainer, spend some time with him and workout a plan that suits your requirement. What is most important is that you should have clear gut goals; about what you want i.e. body building, loosing weight general fitness etc.
My Dancing Tips: Many people consider dancing as a form of exercise, but I look at it as a form of art. Hence me and Gaurav (who's a fitness freak too) really enjoyed our limited presence in Nach Baliye 2.
Fitness Fads: I really can't understand why most people get targeted by over workouts. It causes more harm than benefiting. Guys want to bulk up like Arnold, while girls want an hourglass figure. What they don't understand is that each person has a different body make up hence they should temper with how God has molded them.
My Favourite Hunks - Though Hrithik wins hands down with the junta for his awesomely chiseled physique, my personal fav is Akshay Kumar. He has the most fit and flexible frame. I don't dig guys with too much muscle!







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