He's made his mark in negative shades on the small screen. And besides this, he can also be tracked on Nach Baliye making a careful effort to dance with wife Delnaz. So what does the actor do in his free time? He splurges on books and loads of them at that. Book are Rajiv Paul's biggest passion.
Riya V Anandwala speaks to Rajiv about the books he has explored.
Which book are you reading right now?</strong>
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Fri, 11/11/2005 - 00:00

He's made his mark in negative shades on the small screen. And besides this, he can also be tracked on Nach Baliye making a careful effort to dance with wife Delnaz. So what does the actor do in his free time? He splurges on books and loads of them at that. Book are Rajiv Paul's biggest passion.
Riya V Anandwala speaks to Rajiv about the books he has explored.
Which book are you reading right now?
I don't read one book at one time, I read five to five. Lately, I read this book, which I would rate as a very OK effort, as I found it to be an amalgamation of many books. A while ago, I read two books, Da Vinci Code and The Alchemist, and I fell in love with them.
What was the best part about the books?
The best part about Da Vinci Code was that it's fiction, but it connects with all the present paintings and abstract arts, which makes it beautiful. After reading the books, I actually started visiting churches and knowing the nitty gritty mentioned in the book.
Coming to the Alchemist, it's for 'us', especially people in media, who dare to dream. It is your story. I connected so well with the shepherd and his journey.
What sorts of books do you like to read?
I love reading non-fiction. Sydney Sheldon, is something I love reading. But what I don't like is that the titles of his books are very misleading. And I love books on spirituality, like those penned by Deepak Chopra.
Which book is close to your heart?
I think it has to be Alchemist and Da Vinci Code.







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