MUMBAI:Radha is stopped by the guards telling her that she is not allowed to go inside because there is a lion present there while women took a bus full of children in there, Radha exclaims this is why Damini wanted to bring Gungun here.
Sometime earlier, Radha while sitting in the ambulance remembered what Kadambari and Damini said to her that they would make sure Gungun was killed by the lion, the nurse asked the other to shut the window, and Radha said that she knew her family called them to take her but her daughter is ill, the nurses say she has acted a lot in the house but should not start here, Radha asks them to believe her as the one who came as Tulsi is Damini and would kill her daughter Gungun. The nurse exclaims that she would not understand this so she will call her family, the nurse calls kadambari mentioning that this girl would kill them as she keeps crying but kadambari says that she should do the work for which she was hired. Ketki brings for Mohan but he refuses to have it. Kadmabari thinks everything is going according to her plan and Radha will lose her life in the mental asylum while Gungun will die in the forest, while Damini only desires to have Mohan and she exclaims that everything would be sorted but she feels that Damini should just take care of Gungun.
Gungun is just thinking about the behavior of Radha while Damini is looking at the news in which it is stated that a wild lion has come on a hunting spree, she asks Gungun if she wants to tell her something saying she is aware that Gungun is missing Radha but she replies it is not the case, Damini exclaims she would not have t remember anyone after today when Gungun asks the reason, Damini replies that she will make sure that Gungun dies today as dead people donot remember anything, Damini is smiling.
Radha is constantly crying pleading with the nurse to let her go and save her daughter, the nurse says that if she dies before reaching the mental asylum then they will lose their jobs, Radha suddenly starts breathing heavily which makes the nurses worried so they quickly open the back door, Radha picking the rod starts hitting them when the doctor comes out, Radha also hits him on the head warning the nurses to go in the ambulance, she is about to hit but the nurse requests her to not do it. Radha mentions she would say bad things about Gungun and talk of her death explaining her mother is still alive and no one can even hurt her, Radha hits the nurse warning her to go inside the ambulance, she quickly locks them in it while taking out the keys, Radha apologizes to Mohan thinking that he wants to send her Gungun away thinking she is not mentally stable but she is going to say to him that until her Gungun is not safe, she will not go anywhere, she throws the keys vowing to not let anything happen to her Gungun.
Mohan is sitting when his phone rings and he answers it, he is shocked to hear that Radha ran away from the van when Kaveri exclaims they have gotten in new trouble Kadambari angrily exclaims she ran away again and why does she not die, Mohan along with everyone gets shocked hearing it and Mohan asks what kadambari saying when kadambari apologizes to Mohan saying she said it in anger but Mohan asks her to not say this because nothing should happen to Radha. Mohan mentions how he knows where she could have gone and he will take her to the mental asylum, he wonders why is Radha making problems for her, Kadmabari thinks that Radha is not just making problems for him but even her so she wonders what to do, Kadmabari calls Damini who exclaims it is a very big problem as Radha will not rest, kadambari informs Radha will come straight to the wildlife sanctuary but Damini says that Gungun would lose her life before it, she informs they have reached to the door leading to the death of Gungun.
The wildlife guards stop the bus warning that it will not go ahead, when the driver asks what is the matter the inspector informs them it will not go ahead from there, the parents get worried but Damini requests them to let her talk. Damini asks the inspector what is the problem explaining she knows someone present in the room, she goes back when she hears the Inspectors discussing that the tiger has become violent and a human eater so they have to control the situation while two officers have already died and who knows how many will die. The news reports that the tiger has come on a killing spree and it has been seen in zone three so all the officers have been removed, it is sad news that the children would not be able to enjoy their time in the wildlife sanctuary.
Mohan while driving the car hears the news about the wildlife sanctuary so he exclaims this is the same place where Tulsi has gone with Gungun and now he has to stop them, he tries calling Tulsi but it is not answering so he drives fast.
Damini gets worried thinking she planned to throw Gungun in the tiger cell but the tiger has come free so she gets worried and then thinks of abandoning the plan however Damini thinks she has made a lot of plans to get Mohan and would not end it now. Mohan thinks that Radha has also left to meet Gungun but what if she gets hurt, he prays that Radha does not do anything stupid.
Radha gets out of the car thanking the women for bringing her here, Radha exclaims the biggest mistake Rawan was that he harmed the respect of women while even Damini has done the same today by pretending to be a mother, she prays that Ba kai Bihari jee should protect her Gungun till she reaches there, she starts running.
Damini slowly locks the inspector in the control room, she starts smiling thinking that Radha can come here to her Gungun but when she reaches then would only finds the dead body of Gungun, it is possible that she might not find it as it depends on the hunger of the tiger. Damini says that she has talked with the officers who have called them both inside, they both leave when Damini turns telling the driver they have gotten permission to leave so they remove the barricade and then enter the bus revealing they have gotten the permission to go inside, Damini is praised for solving the problem so quickly after which the driver enters the wildlife sanctuary.
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Radha reaches the wildlife sanctuary when she tries to run inside but is stopped by the officers who warn that she cannot go inside, They say that the gate might be opened by the woman who locked the Inspector inside, Radha gets worried thinking her daughter is inside when the Inspector asks the officer to call everyone, the inspector mentions she has no idea about the risk that she has brought on everyone, Radha asks what does he mean, Inspector replies that a tiger has been set free while the women took a bus full of children inside, Radha exclaims this was the planning of them both and Damini tried to make sure that the tiger attacks her Gungun, Radha gets worried.
Credit: Telly Updates

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