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Fri, 06/13/2014 - 18:59

Breaking the stereotype of shooting at familiar international locations Star Plus’ Ek Veer ki ArdaasVeera will explore an unconventional European destination – Poland for their upcoming track.
The show’s plot will soon swing to Poland with a lot of life changing events in Veera's (Digangana Suryavanshi) life. With Baldev (Vishal Vashisht) by her side Veera is all set to face the world and realize her father's dream. She believes that only advanced technology can solve the woes of the farmers back in her village and while researching over the internet she comes across a farmer based in Poland who has adopted a new technology to effect. Veera decides to meet the farmer in Poland and learn about the new technology in order to convince the government to sanction the grants for the village.
However the journey from India to Poland will not be easy for Veera and will be laced with many challenges and hurdles. Trying to realize her father's wish of setting up an agricultural college, during her journey she falls in love with Baldev who supports her in all her endeavors and takes her a step closer to her dreams. However, in her quest to meet the Indian farmer and learn more about the new technology, Veera gets face to face with a past!
Talking about the upcoming track, Veera played by Digangana said, “I’m very excited for this trip, it’s going to be my first such working experience and looking forward to shooting at the farms and lovely locales in Poland. During this trip Veera&Baldev’s love-story will also blossom which is a very important & even a major twist in the story will unveil.”
Will Veera fulfill her father’s dream of establishing an agricultural college? Will she accept all the challenges and conditions put forth by the farmer in lieu of sharing the technology? To know more, watch out for this space ahead.







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