MUMBAI : Sahiba prays god to protect her son, he has seen a person he considered as his father dying in front of his eyes, don’t know what is he going through. Arminder sends his goons to kill Sahiba and orders him to call him back only after he finishes his task. Goon disguised as a food delivery boy walks into police station and takes food towards Sahiba when constable stops him and says she didn’t see him before. Caterer says he is a new boy as old one is on leave. Constable accompanies him. He offers food to inmates and walks away. His aide inmate finds a note in her food and reads it. Constable asks Sahiba to have food and stop crying. Inspector seeing Sahiba crying offers to help her meet her son in her cabin. Sahiba says she can’t have food as her son would have had foood yet.
Akeer cries hugging Sahiba’s photo. Angad walks to him and asks him to sleep as it’s too late. Akeer refuses. Angad asks if he shall make him sleep. Akeer warns him not to come near him as he hates enemy uncle. Angad walks away crying. Akeer continues to cry profusely for his mamma. Bebe walks to Angad and asks if Akeer slept. Angad says not yet and hopes if he had sung a lullaby for his son and makes him asleep. Bebe says she will sing a lullaby for her great grandson and walks to Akeer. Akeer says he wants to listen to only his mamma’s lullaby. Bebe says he will watch his mamma in dream. Akeer agrees. She sings a lullaby and makes him asleep. He imagines Sahiba and Diljeet making him asleep.
Angad prays god to show him some way to prove Sahiba innocent and gets a nightmare of someone chasing sahiba on road and then killing her. He gets worried for her and thinks of going and checking if Sahiba is fine or not. Goon inmate wakes up at midnight while everyone are asleep and strangulates Sahiba from behind until Sahiba loses consciousness. Angad reaches police station. Constable stops him. Angad says he wants to check if his wife is fine or not. Constable refuses to let him in. Inspector reaches next and asks him to come tomorrow morning. Angad pushes constables away and runs in saying he will be back in 5 minutes. He notices Sahiba unconscious on the floor. Inspector orders constable to open the door. Angad lifts Sahiba and shakes her. Sahiba opens eyes coughing.
Angad notices a mark on her neck and asks who did this. Sahiba says that woman strangulated her. Inmate Divya says Sahiba herself tried to commit suicide and is blaming her. Angad says Sahiba doesn’t lie. Inspector says she can’t beleve both and only after investigation can tell anything. Angad says he will not let Sahiba here and tries to take Sahiba out. Inspector stops them and changes Sahiba’s cell. Sahiba asks about Akeer. Angad shows her photo and says he will be around Akeer always and will surely prove Sahba innocent.

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