MUMBAI:The Episode starts with Megha asking the ward boys to take away Chiku. Chiku shouts for help. Megha lies to the ward boys and complains about Chiku’s anger. Chiku throws things. Megha says just take him away. Titli and Koel hear Chiku shouting for help. They rush to see. Manikant is in his room. He hears Chiku shouting for help. Koel asks who broke this. She asks Manikant to see the mess. He asks what’s all this. Titli says we heard Chichi and came to see, he isn’t in his house. Manikant says I will check. Megha comes and says the ward boys took him to the hospital. Titli asks who called them, tell me. Maina says I have called them.
Also Read: Titli: Wow! Garv fights with hospital staff and takes Chiku with him
Maina says he isn’t mentally stable, he should be in the hospital, he needs treatment, but your love. Koel says he is a kid, think about him. Maina says no, why shall I think, I don’t want to become like you. Titli says I have to bring Chichi back, I m going to get him. She runs. Manikant asks why didn’t you ask me before taking a big decision. Maina says calm down, I have thought well, you got angry on me because of that boy, he isn’t related to us, his parents left him, he is mad, no one came to find him, I don’t care if he dies. Koel shouts and slaps Maina.
Titli says I came to take Chiku Mehta, I m his Bhabhi, let me take him. Nurse says sorry, meet him tomorrow. Titli runs inside. Chiku shouts to Titli. Maina argues with Koel. Koel says you know who are his parents, you are saying nonsense about his parents, you are his mother. Maina looks at her. Garv comes and looks on shocked. Koel says Chichi is our Chiku. Maina is shocked. Koel says he is Manikant and your son, Garv’s elder brother Chiku.
Maina sits in shock. Manikant sees Garv. He says I will explain to you. Garv asks Maina is this true. Maina cries. Garv asks what’s the truth. Manikant asks Garv to have water. Garv says answer me. Koel says calm your anger. Garv throws the glass and asks her to say the truth. Koel says Chichi is your elder brother Chiku. Titli says leave me. She runs to Chiku. She asks them to stay away. The ward boys take Chiku to some room. He shouts to Titli. The ward boys try to inject him. Chiku bites the ward boy’s hand. Garv asks is Chichi my brother Chiku. Koel says yes. Garv goes and gets the laptop. He says this video, this is Chiku, he fell down and…. How can this happen. Manikant says Chiku is alive. Maina asks how can this happen.
Manikant says I had shown that to you all, Chiku got saved, he didn’t die, he had a head injury, he lost his mental balance, doctors said he will never get fine, I was helpless, if I get Chiku home, then you would have suffered seeing him, I m ashamed, how would I keep the family respect in the society, I decided to not tell this to anyone, I m sorry to hurt your feelings. Maina says such a big cheat, you lied to me about Chiku’s death. He says I had no courage to tell you, I did what I felt right. Maina says my Chiku is alive. Megha thinks this is a chance. She says Garv, if I knew Chiku is your brother, then I would have not let him go. Garv asks where is he. Manikant says sit down, I will explain. Garv says stay away, where is Chiku. Megha says they took him to the hospital. He says we decided to keep him here, who called the hospital. Maina says I didn’t know, I called them.
Also Read: Titli: Hurt! Garv feels betrayed as Titli hidden the truth from him
Alpa asks why is Hiren worried. Hiren says Manikant wants the hospital dean’s number. She asks him to sleep. He says hospital staff has taken Chiku. She asks what. He says Chichi is Chiku. She is shocked. He tells her everything. Alpa says Manikant lied to us, how can he do this, who told this to you. He says we have to get Chiku from the hospital, I want the diary to find the number, help me. She asks how can you be normal, Manikant lied to us. He says he needs our help. She says fine, I will find it. She gets Hiren and Jaishri’s pic. She gets shocked. He gets the diary. He goes. The ward boys catch Chiku again. Titli says I have to meet Chiku, try to understand.
Credit: Telly Updates

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